Essence Brand Makeover — Your Deeper Calling

Essence Brand Makeover

Essence Brand Makeover


Are you ready to claim a new way of being where work feels like play? Where you are doing work that lights you up and uses the best of your natural skills, abilities and special brand of magic? Where you are finally doing the work you were meant to do?

This 3 hour session will get you started! We start with the 2 hour style.essence process where you tune into your unique energy blueprint and use style to facilitate your transformation and create coded outfits that communicate exactly who you are and what you are all about in the world. You will find out what your 2 elements are and use them to inform every decision including what activities to engage in, which ones to farm out, and how to better align with your unique talents, gifts and abilities.

Then we move into the next part where you rediscover your unique magic and brand. You start to put words, colors, ideas, target audiences, messages, and skills together to create the exact right work experience for you. It’s a great launching pad whether you are an entrepreneur or a corporate powerhouse.

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Take all of the magic and soul alignment from the Style.Essence session and then add an hour at the end to strategize how you can broadcast your unique brand in the world. We start with questions like, “What are your soul aligned gifts and how can you speak about them to attract your tribe?” And what will you be farming out that will slow you down, allowing you to focus on using your gifts in the world? Once you are in soul alignment and have been practicing it for the 2 hours of the Style.Essence process, the branding part will happen rapidly and with clarity that will serve everything you do to build your business in the world.